Second World War

20 articles

Audronius Ažubalis, MP

Both nations – the Lithuanians and the Polish – both recall well how our mutual conflict in between the two World Wars became a noose on both our necks. Then third parties put in great efforts in “helping” the conflict not reach resolution, but even the conflict itself was complex and difficult.

Louis Garrick

Lithuania's Prime Minister joined dozens of people marking the seventy-fifth anniversary of the massacre of more than 650 Jews by Nazi occupiers and their local Lithuanian collaborators at the town of Šeduva on Tuesday. It was the third such event in as many days, coming after Holocaust-related comm...

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Europe's World

The Lisbon Treaty was designed to fundamentally alter the Common Foreign and Security Policy. At last, the EU was supposed to have the answer to Kissinger’s famous question: who do you call if you wish to speak with Europe? Solidarity, enhanced cooperation and streamlined decision-making were the fu...

Christopher Patrick Kline

It is a wrenching image. And it is an image that now speaks as the symbol for the refugee crisis shaming all of Europe. The tiny corpse of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Kurdish boy from the besieged Syrian city of Kobane, washed up on a Turkish shore like so much refuse. He had escaped ISIL, but h...

Viktoras Denisenko

The Russian Federation’s propaganda and other aggressive actions in the information space have recently been the subject of buoyant discussion within the context of events in eastern Ukraine. Crucial, however, to an in-depth and factual debate on this subject is to take a look at the historical cont...