
70 articles

Dmitry Semenov

Is there opposition in Russia? Do Russian people support the war? Are liberal ideas popular only in Moscow and a few other large cities: myth or reality? Why did Putin’s regime decide to kill Nemtsov and imprison Navalny? You will hear answers to these and many other questions in Delfi’s interview w...

2023.10.27 15:55
Ксения Эггерт

Депутаты Европейского парламента в январе обсудили ряд ключевых вопросов, связанных с войной России против Украины и безопасностью Европейского союза. Среди прочего европарламентарии призвали упростить процесс принятия решений в Совете ЕС – перейти от принципа единогласия к принципу большинства при ...

2023.01.29 18:12

“Many people ask me if I am a chef when I tell them about my major. In a way I am, but I probably would not win many Michelin stars with my experiments in the lab”, says Nóra Emilia Nagybákay from Hungary who is just about to finish her first year in Food Science and Safety masters at Kaunas Univers...

2020.06.17 06:15
Jakob Wöllenstein and Tobias Rüttershoff

Until 2015, very few people had heard of the term “Visegrád Group” in Germany, let alone had a sense about its purpose. At that time the group – also called “V4” after its four member states Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary – saw its main task in the coordination and exchange of info...

2019.02.20 10:49
Mikko Waltari | the Lithuania Tribune

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say. He lived in Lithuania in the Nineties and is such a frequent commentator and visitor in Lithuania that he even speaks the language a bit. His work has been revolving around Russia fo...

2018.01.15 12:31