Alexei Navalny

24 articles

Karolis Broga

Law enforcement says that a large police force responded to a report on Tuesday about an attack in Vilnius on Leonid Volkov, a colleague of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Melo detektorius
Ar tikrai Navalno mirties priežastis – COVID-19 vakcina?

Socialiniuose tinkluose masiškai plinta žinutės, kuriose melagingai teigiama, kad Rusijos opozicionierius Aleksejus Navalnas mirties priežastis yra tai, kad jis keturis kartus buvo paskiepytas „Pfizer“ vakcina nuo COVID-19 ir dėl to širdyje susidarė kraujo krešulys.

Vilius Ivanauskas, Senior Analyst, Eastern Europe Studies Centre

The Russian presidential election will take place in a month, but the winner is already clear. The only candidate capable of receiving wider support from voters, Alexey Navalny, has been banned from registering as a candidate due to his criminal record, stemming from a fraud conviction he views as i...

Simas Čelutka

The results of the elections to the Russian Duma, which took place on 18th September, showed that voters have an apathetic attitude towards the situation in the country, and do not cultivate any warm feelings for the ruling United Russia Party. President Vladimir Putin‘s party secured a win, yet vot...

Šarūnas Legatas, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Linas Kojala

The Russian parliamentary (Duma) elections on September 18 do not promise any major changes. Opinion polls and the general atmosphere show that the country will continue to be led by the United Russia party which is affiliated with Vladimir Putin, while establishment opposition parties will support ...