Artificial intelligence is already changing the Lithuanian business environment, the public sector, academia and society, the president said in his speech. It also has the potential to reduce inequalities by facilitating access to a range of services and opportunities for vulnerable groups.

“This journey has just begun. It is therefore up to all of us – policy makers and the business community – to decide on the further development of AI,” President Nausėda spoke.

Societies that do not benefit from the AI revolution in the long term will be less successful than those that fully exploit its potential, the president said.

“This has usually been the case with all major technological breakthroughs – those that were late were worse off,” he stated.

“A smart society and a smart business community have been key drivers of Lithuania’s economic success in the European Union. This is why I do not see Lithuania sitting on the sidelines when it comes to the development of artificial intelligence. We will need to be at the forefront of the digital revolution to fully understand its power and successfully manage all the risks involved,” Nausėda noted.

The president also highlighted the crucial importance of cooperation among public authorities, academia, business partners and civil society to ensure that AI technologies are deployed in a safe, fair and sustainable way.

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